We just saw another Canadian Thanksgiving come and go. It was wonderful to be able to experience it in Canada this year.
My memories of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays of my childhood always had a glimmer of excitement. Mom and Dad cooking in the kitchen, wonderful smells permeating throughout the house, special place settings with the 'Good China', and it was the only times that we, as children, had the opportunity to drink out of tiny wine glasses that were usually stored high in the china cabinet so that we could join in the 'toasts' around the table.
One particular year, after a very filling meal and dessert, my mother declared that we should have a toast. My brother, about 4 at the time, jumped up from the table and ran to the kitchen and proceeded to pull out the toaster with excitement. We all looked on quizzically, and asked what he was doing. He declared that he was getting ready to make the toast!...it was very hard to fill his hollow leg!
Whether it was just our immediate family, or whether relatives were visiting, it was always seemed to be a magical time.
This year we would be celebrating our thanksgiving with just our small young family, so we planned to make it a special time for our boys. Since there are only 4 of us we were hesitant to buy the big bird. My husband happened upon this recipe that would add a bit of magic to our day without having to eat turkey for the next few weeks:
Baked Chicken in Sugar Pumpkin
Here is what the final product looks like:
This was a very low maintenance bake as the pumpkin top seals closed and the chicken bakes sealed in its own juices. Remember to put the pumpkin on a pan rather than directly on the oven grate as some juices will seep out from the bottom close to the end of the cooking time.
The Jus from this pumkin, including the juice that seeps out, is the best part of this recipe. You will want to save every last drop. I did have to add salt to it in order to boost the flavor, and I would probably be more generous in seasoning the bird with salt prior to cooking.
We served this dish with a basic Parmesan risotto, Maple baked Acorn squash, Cranberry, sour cherry & Red onion compote, Glazed carrots, Wild Mushrooms, and toasted pumpkin seeds (homemade from the pumpkin) . The pumpkin seeds were the perfect last touch to this delectable meal.
Now on to Halloween! Our favorite time of the year